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BOB MARLEY The Yvette Acoustic Tape 1976. Photo credit and copyrights of Kim Gottlieb-Walker (download audio tape)

Posted in download tape, Marley Archives, Reggae Archives on September 9, 2011 by Listen Recovery

FULL TAPE < (download audio)

The Yvette Acoustic Tape 1976
Recorded in one of Bob’s girlfriend’s house this tape includes many songs that Bob never released and some that would become some of his most famous classics.
The mood is really relaxed and Bob seems to be in a really great mood, often laughing out loud at some of the things he is singing.
He then gets a bit more serious with the deeply religious “God of all ages” where he is accompanied by the heartbeat rhythm of a bongo drum.
“Rumors” is also another fantastic vocal form.
Some of “Jammin'”is also composed on this tape as well as an early rendition of “Easy Skanking”.
He also chats a bit between songs about opening a hospital in Ethiopia.
The tape closes out with “Oh what a day”, which is a long very early version of what would become later “Misty Morning”.