Archive for the Eva Ayllon Category

Photo Recap: EL PERÙ VIENE A TI 7-25-11 photos by Renz De Madrugada

Posted in Eva Ayllon, Events, Peru event, Peru Negro, photography on July 30, 2011 by Listen Recovery

BARETO (Cumbia Psicodelica Amazonica Limeña)

Peruvian Folklore showcase

the traditional ice-cream of Perù

and the traditional game…

ready for Eva.

Carlos & Marco

Hector Chumpitas & Marco Campos

Eva Ayllon band

Rich Spirit & Hector Chumpitas

EVA AYLLON Oct 17, 2010 @ Royce Hall, UCLA; photos by Renz De Madrugada

Posted in Eva Ayllon, Peru event, photography on October 21, 2010 by Listen Recovery

For this blog, once again, I’ll let the photos do the talking…

I had an amazing time and feel very privilege to be part of such talented crew.

Thanks to the hardest working brothers from Perù out of Perù, Juan Morillo & Javier Neciosup Acuña

Viva el Perù Carajo!

Señoras y Señores… EVA AYLLON!

EVA AYLLON, 2009 “Canta canciones de CHABUCA GRANDA” footage by Listen Recovery

Posted in Eva Ayllon, Listen Recovery, Listen Recovery Productions, Peru Negro, video archives on August 17, 2010 by Listen Recovery


Posted in Eva Ayllon, Peru Music Icon, UCLA LIVE show on July 15, 2010 by Listen Recovery


Eva Ayllon “musicos”, shirts by Listen Clothing & Juan Morillo (manager)

Posted in Eva Ayllon, Peru Music Icon, Peru Negro, photography on February 25, 2010 by Listen Recovery

Mariano Liy, Tito Manrique, Moises Lama, Leonardo “Gigio” Parodi, Ronnie Campos, Marco Campos

Been fortunate to hang out with this crew many times… In Peru and LA.  The Campos Brothers are the pillars of this group as well as Perù Negro band and dance crew.  The shirts where design by Juan Morillo and Listen Clothing for the release of KIMBA FÀ, Eva’s new LP.

EVA AYLLON canta a CHABUCA GRANDA (Peru) L.A. event

Posted in Afro Sounds, Eva Ayllon, Events, Listen Recovery, Music Negra, Peru Music Icon, Peru Negro on October 8, 2009 by Listen Recovery

EVA AYLLON new LP and tour dates Europe

Posted in Afro Sounds, Eva Ayllon, Music Negra, Peru on July 17, 2009 by Listen Recovery


Eva Ayllon by Listen Clothing

Eva Ayllon @ Royce Hall UCLA March 20th diary by Listen Recovery

Posted in Afro Sounds, Eva Ayllon, L.A Events, Listen Recovery, Music Negra on March 24, 2009 by Listen Recovery

We arrive at UCLA exactly 8pm. The show started on the dot as the Royce Hall tradition does. Rich, Jonas and I came in through the side door that took us back stage. Jonas set it up on a corner of the back stage room, is a fairly large area where the band could chill in between sessions. The paintings where set up along the table for display to the band and Eva. While Jonas finalized the 4th painting of the week for Eva and the Campos Brothers. The concert started with a very mellow mood song. A “lando” song which started the night smoothly. As the show progress and Jonas brushes painted the black acrylic ink, Rich and I photograph the concert and the essence of the night. From a few shots of “pisco” and some sweets from the bar, Rich and I traveled to the deepest and most sensual sounds that the Afro Peruvian culture can give you. Eva’s captivating voice and sensual movements took the crowd by storm and made the almost 100% Peruvian audience scream their country’s name “viva el Peru and Eva Ayllon”, “We Love you Eva!” “Vamos Negra!” and many more exclamation phases. The night continue with a second set starting the Campos Brothers on a “zapateo session” and some cajon duets by Marco and Ronnie. Eva also introduced her band as she always does, from her pianist to her drummer and the brass session that only played on the second set. Eva played the “cajita” a small wooden box that hangs on a strap from your neck and hangs on to the chest, while beating it with a wooden stick and snapping the cap of the box. Eva is known for playing this instrument during her sets of “festejo” and “alcatraz”, the fastest songs for Afro dances.

As the end of the show arrived, Eva started to sing her latest project and also introduced some of the different styles of songs she has apply to her newest album. Her artistic essence is the same “the Queen of Afro Peru” only now, she’s taking her culture to other frontiers, where she has to experiment with sounds and different genre in ethnomusic. Eva Ayllon is the voice of PERU and the QUEEN OF AFRO PERUVIAN MUSIC. Her voice has traveled all over the Americas as well around the world, from Europe to Japan to Brasil to Mexico. Listen Recovery is proud to say that Eva is one of the biggest influences in our mission to preserve culture and to create awareness and celebrate diversity. Dig Deep To Get Deeper!…

Ronaldo Campos by Jonas Lynch

Eva by Jonas Lynch

by Jonas Lynch

Jonas Lynch

Ronnie Campos

Marco Campos

beginning of the show EVA AYLLON



stage 2



Ronnie Campos

Ronnie back





Ronnie and Rich


zapateo Marcos


Peru Negro girls

Giglio P. cajonero de EVA

Eva Ayllon

music notes




Later that night after the show, we took a trip for some late night tacos and some “mex” delights around 3:30am. Ronnie and Marcos had the usual for any tourist, “the tacos”. They eat around 1 doz in between them. After we said our peace and when our ways, agreeing on meeting 4 days later at the airport to exchange some info about the future projects in Peru and US. Ronnie sold Rich Spirit his professional cajon and Marcos gave Rich his “mules jaw instrument”. Peru Negro and Listen Recovery will be working on various projects starting this Summer in Peru with a filming of their first video clip, the song call “Cañete” name for the city where Peru Negro was founded.




home arrival

A GUIDE TO AFRO PERUVIAN ROOTS w. Eva Ayllon & Juan Morillo By Listen Recovery

Posted in Afro Sounds, Eva Ayllon, Events, L.A Events, Listen Recovery, Music Negra, Peru Negro, South America on March 24, 2009 by Listen Recovery

Last month while Renzo was playing Tropical, Afro Cumbias, Chicha and other Latin Rhythms at Mas Exitos Lounge, I was with Professor Juan Morillo talking about the possibilities of producing a Lecture and Musical demonstration workshop with The Queen of Afro Peruvian Soul, Eva Ayllon and group. The purpose is to educate the Ethnomusicology students and the community about the rooted Afro Culture that lives in Peru, South America. With many untold stories from the Pillars of the Afro culture that has developed with the force of slavery, Spirituality, hope, Love and Freedom, today it survives and lives with Art and Music.
That same week I went to speak with the Ethnomusicology Department to confirm the availability of the Jan Popper Theater, located in the Music Building in UCLA. I received the confirmation from Eva Ayllon and UCLA for Wednesday, March 18, 2009. Listen Recovery began the media campaign targeting the students and Professors of UCLA. I met with Marlon Fuentes at his studio by UCLA, we talked about the new JAZZOLOGY VINYL display for the Ethnomusicology Department and the Workshop. Next morning we spoke to Professor Loza from Latin American studies to have an opportunity to invite the students to “A GUIDE TO AFRO PERUVIAN ROOTS”. We received questions and I was so glad to feel the appreciation of the Ethnomusicology students towards our cause. With the great help from Mrs. Kathleen from the Ethno musicology department. I also reached out to APIC “Associacion Peruana Internacional de Cultura” and other Arts & Cultural centers in L.A. A week before the event I though about reaching out to the Master Luthier Gino Gamboa. We had talked about the Interview and I remembered him showing me a new Instrument he was creating for Peru Negro. He shared with me his inspirations and thoughts about Music “Music is not something static”. So I asked Gino Gamboa to be part of the event and showcase “La Batea”, the new born Afro Peruvian inspired percussion. I felt like something historical was now about to happen, The Afro Queen Eva Ayllon, The Legendary hands of Peru Negro and the presentation of a New born Instrument, all on a mission to preserve Afro Peruvian music, art & culture.
Listen Recovery arrived in UCLA to set up and greet the people who were coming to support the movement with their presence. Everything started with RNZ on the turntables playing a selection of Afro Vinyl Recordings recovered from the hot streets of Lima while Tron7Seize played percussion and our brother Jonas Lynch painting an amazing Eva Ayllon in action on his trademark canvas background. After the session, the Master Luthier Gino Gamboa, presented the new born percussion “La Batea” and talked about his inspiration, the different technics and sounds that had been used. He said the Batea can be used in many genres of Music. He then demonstrated How you play the Batea for a Festejo rhythm.
by Rich “Spirit” Revelli

Jonas Lynch

Master Luthier Gino Gamboa

Gino Gamboa


Juan Morillo

recovery listening to the lecture

The show started with Prof. Juan Morillo introducing the panel and speaking about the roots of Afro Peruvian music and who forms part of its history. Juan mention key names / characters in the ambient of Afro Peruvian culture. His lecture about the history of Afro Peru goes deep from the arriving of the slaves in the north of Peru from Cartagena Colombia all the way to Chincha.

Juan Morillo starts the lecture

eva is introduced to the crowd

Eva came out to the crowd and introduce her band. Talking a bit about her childhood and how she grew up singing. She also mention some of her inspirations in music, including the story of her stage name. Eva took her stage name after her grandmother who raised her since she was young. Eva also mention who she started singing with and what type of songs she used to sing at the beginning of her career. The crowd answer with questions wanting to know more about the queen’s history and music journey.

Eva y Juan

Juan y Eva


After a brief intro from Eva and Juan, the brothers from Peru Negro, Marco and Ronnie Campos show cased one of the earliest comic and fun dances called “zapateo”. A dance only with the feet scratching the floor and tapping with the palms and heels. It was an honor having this guys in such intimate show. Marcos is the funniest and oldest of the two brothers, and Ronnie is also a fun character a bit more serious at times… We had the opportunity to spend time with them in Peru, during the festivities of Afro Peruvian celebrations in October of last year.

Eva Ayllon is at the forth front of the Afro Peruvian Culture Community and Movement. She performs yearly around the world
representing her country and music. Ever since Eva started touring the world, the Afro Peruvian Culture has conquer new lands. From Japan to Greece, Eva’s music has cross the world.

During the lecture, Juan Morillo also mention the celebration of life in afro peruvian music, the story telling of men and women. This music was often played in “peñas” (criollo night clubs) where 1 or 2 cajons, a guitar and some spoons will hit at the beat of the piano or bass. This gatherings are called “jaranas”. Eva started her career singing in talent shows and often at night to pay the bills in the “Peñas”, night clubs and private parties.

This Lecture is one of the many to come and be held at UCLA’s Ethnomusicology Dept. Popper Auditorium by Listen Recovery’s Rich Spirit and guest. Listen Recovery bring this event / lecture with the aim to preserve music culture and create an awareness in the Ethnomusic world. UCLA and Listen Recovery comes together to make this mission possible and allow us to create an educational event with entertainment. Dig Deep To Get Deeper…

Marcos & Ronnie Campos

Peru Negro bros

Peru Negro


marco y ronnie



